noviembre, 2010
Detalles del evento
Autismo y neuronas espejo II (L. Oberman, et al, 2009. “Slow echo: facial EMG evidence for the delay of spontaneous, but not voluntary, emotional mimicry in children with autism spectrum disorders”, en Developmental Science 12:4 (2009), pp
Detalles del evento
Autismo y neuronas espejo II (L. Oberman, et al, 2009. “Slow echo: facial EMG evidence for the delay of spontaneous, but not voluntary, emotional mimicry in children with autism spectrum disorders”, en Developmental Science 12:4 (2009), pp 510–520 / L. Oberman, et al, 2005. “EEG evidence for mirror neurons dysfunction in autism spectrum disorders” en Cognitive Brain Research 24 (2005) 190–198). Presentación de Paola Hernández Chávez.
All Day (Viernes)
Centro Lombardo Toledano
Calle V. Lombardo Toledano núm. 51, Ciudad de México, 01050, Guadalupe Chimalistac, Deleg. Álvaro Obregón
Centro de Estudios Filosóficos