![]() Ludus VitalisRevista científica. Nº 50. Vol. 26. 2018. Ciudad de México (México) ISSN: 1133-5165 Autores: Vicente Dressino, Íñigo Ongay, Olivier Perru, Andrea Olmos, Javier Correa Román, Abdiel Fernando Uribe Allier, Jorge Alberto Álvarez-Díaz, Jahir Navalles Gómez, Los editores, Jaqueline Alcázar Morales, Ricardo Noguera Solano, Jorge Alberto Álvarez Díaz, Juan Ramón Álvarez, Armando Aranda-Anzaldo, Violeta Aréchiga, Xóchitl Arteaga Villamil, Juan Felipe Guevara Aristizábal, José Agustín Mercado Reyes, Fernando Auciello, Lucrecia Burges Cruz, Marcel Cano I Soler, Gustavo Caponi, Laureano Castro Nogueira, Miguel Ángel Castro Nogueira, Vicente Claramonte Sanz, Antonio Diéguez, Oscar Fernández Galindez, Mónica Gómez Salazar, Siobhan Guerrero Mc Manus, Leah Muñoz Contreras, Alan Heiblum, Víctor J. Luque, Teresa Pacheco-Méndez, Ángel Rivera Arrizabalaga, Juan Manuel Rodríguez Caso, Natacha Salomé Lima, Carlos A. Zavaro Pérez |
Ludus Vitalis llega a cincuenta números. Durante estos veinticinco años, los lectores, autores y editores de esta revista hemos sostenido un diálogo acerca de lo que significan las ciencias de la vida. Diálogo entendido como la construcción de tejidos que resultan del trabajo compartido. Se han tejido consensos y disensos, poderes y saberes, fobias y filias, valores y amistades. Se ha mostrado que es posible para una comunidad —la que eligió esta publicación como uno de sus referentes— pensar el mundo contemporáneo en lo que toca a las ideas sobre los seres vivos. Esta revista ha operado como un lugar de encuentro donde se reflexiona con rigor e imaginación, con libertad y pasión, acerca de lo que sabemos sobre los procesos de lo viviente. Muchas cosas han pasado estos años y muchos enigmas y desafíos se anuncian en el porvenir. Ello concierne a Ludus Vitalis y, sobra decirlo, sólo reafirma nuestro compromiso.
Niche construction and extra-genetic adaptation: Their roles as mechanisms in evolutionary change (Pág. 1-15)
Vicente Dressino
The niche construction concept has triggered much controversy related to its tensions with the natural selection concept and with its potential role as an updated version of the “adaptation” concept. Empirical data are providing evidence of certain explanatory weaknesses in the dominant evolutionary theory. The contributions of extra-genetic adaptation studies, together with epigenetic research ones, are shaping a new scenario in evolutionary explanations. The aim of this work is to analyze the interrelation between niche construction, extra-genetic adaptation and phenotypic plasticity as evolutionary explanatory mechanisms. In this respect, this work may act as a bridge between classical approaches of evolutionary theory and as an alternative perspective based on the reversibility of extra-genetic or physiological inheritance.
Palabras clave / Keywords: Evolution, adaptation, extra-genetic adaptation, phenotypic plasticity, niche construction, evolutionary explanatory mechanisms.
The principle of parsimony and how August Weismann used it (Pág. 17-33)
Íñigo Ongay
This paper explores the use of the principle of simplicity in August Weismann’s critiques of the inheritance of acquired characters. After considering different accounts of simplicity as a scientific virtue to be taken into account in science evaluation, the paper goes on to scrutinize a particular example of the principle of parsimony at work. The author considers the structure of August Weismann’s arguments for the all-sufficiency principle of natural selection (NS) to conclude that a variety of lines of reasoning can be identified in his account and that parsimony plays a different role to each. There has been a long-lasting agreement among historians of biology and philosophers of science alike that the work of Weismann signals that theories involving the heredity of acquired traits are flawed, as such type of inheritance is not possible in evolution. While much debate has recently arisen in the domain of evolutionary developmental biology challenging the Weismann barrier principle, both the proponents of the “extended synthesis” and the Neodarwinian orthodoxy seem to coincide in that Weismann’s arguments favor NS to the virtual exclusion of any other principle regulating the transmission of traits in evolution. Whatever Weismann would have wanted to conclude, I will argue that this understanding of what Weismann’s arguments entail is a mistake.
Palabras clave / Keywords: Extended synthesis, Lamarckian inheritance, natural selection, parsimony, philosophy of biology
Nicolas-Jean Boulay (1837-1905), botany and evolution (Pág. 35-49)
Olivier Perru
In this paper, we consider the scientific activities of Abbé Boulay at the end of the nineteenth century, especially in paleobotany, and we will analyze some of Boulay’s papers about evolution. As a priest of the Catholic Church and a dean of the Faculty of Sciences in a Catholic University, was Boulay completely opposed to biological evolution or did he change his position concerning this problem between 1875 and 1900? In 1898, in a paper about survival, he recognized the possibility of an evolution in plants and animals. He wrote that the derivation of species from common ancestors was possible. Thus, in the papers written at the end of his life, he did not still reject the evolution of plants and animals as a scientific fact. Nevertheless, Boulay argued repeatedly against Darwinism and he explored the relationship between the Christian teaching on creation, “scholastic” philosophy and the possibility of an evolutionary theory. Today, this thought seems too apologetic.
Palabras clave / Keywords: Boulay, botany, paleobotany, evolution, Transformism, species
La heterogeneidad de criterios para la atribución funcional. Estudio de un caso (Pág. 51-76)
Andrea Olmos
The philosophical discussion around the concept of function led to the formulation of various definitions in terms of necessary and sufficient conditions. In this paper, I evaluate the adequacy of the most prominent philosophical proposals based on the evidence used for the attribution of functions in a case study of behavioral biology, and show how each proposed definition only partially accounts for the evidence appealed in this case. Considering these results, I suggest that the heterogeneity of criteria used for functional attribution could be symptomatic for the need to treat ‘function’ as a theoretical concept, based on the criteria of determination, and not on a definition in terms of necessary or sufficient conditions.
Palabras clave / Keywords: Functional attribution, systemic approach, etiological approach, fitness contribution approach, theoretical concept, definition, criteria of determination
El mundo como noúmeno o de las implicaciones filosóficas de la neurociencia (Pág. 77-92)
Javier Correa Román
To empiricist criticism it has been almost an obsession to found the objectivity of knowledge and so to find the possibility of unraveling the world in its reality, in itself. This article, through the discoveries of neuroscience in the sense of touch, aims to discuss both epistemological ambitions. At the end, it is concluded the impossibility of founding a transcendental subject based on the sciences and using it as a safe and calm road to the mysteries of the world itself.
Palabras clave / Keywords: Neuroscience, transcendental subject, epistemology, noumenon, PAD
El concepto de autonomía y la formación de los profesionales de la salud. El caso de la interrupción voluntaria del embarazo (Pág. 93-121)
Abdiel Fernando Uribe Allier, Jorge Alberto Álvarez-Díaz
PROFESSIONALS. THE CASE OF VOLUNTARY INTERRUPTION OF PREGNANCY The work is divided into two sections: the first deals with how complex the term autonomy is; the second relates to medical education and the training on abortion and voluntary interruption of pregnancy. To deal with the issue of autonomy, we try to define it, highlight its importance, broaden the concept, draw up an outline of what can be understood by autonomy in bioethics, and propose relationships between autonomy and voluntary interruption of pregnancy. On the subject of training, the relevance of reason has been highlighted, but it is recalled that human beings are both reason and emotion, and values cannot be left aside. Values influence clinical practice (this has always been the case, but it has been a silent issue), so their relationship with professional norms and standards are analyzed, as well as the implicit values in medical education. In addition, we analyze several moral concepts held by health professionals, their history, and how such concepts relate to abortion.
Palabras clave / Keywords: Abortion, voluntary termination of pregnancy, values, medical education, autonomy
Érase una vez o los tres estadios del territorio (Pág. 123-146)
Jahir Navalles Gómez
This paper intents to ponder on the consequences of the intervention on territory and, at the same time, on knowledge and culture. Since the invention and development of certain devices, immersed in the most common social practices as mediators of social relations, a history of territoriality is exposed throughout its execution, defense and introduction. A journey is made from exploration to exploitation, from traveler to hunter, from clueless to expert, from nomad to sedentary, from nature to civilization, from culture to technology, from collectivity to individual, and vice versa. It tells us something about space and time, and above all, about distance as social form.
Palabras clave / Keywords: Territory, space, distance, knowledge, culture, cartography, conquest, empathy, society, bond
Foro: ¿Por qué y a quién importa pensar a las ciencias de la vida desde o junto a la filosofía, la historia y la teoría social? A su vez, ¿interesa a estas disciplinas tener como referentes a las ciencias de la vida?
Los editores
En los textos breves que siguen se elaboran respuestas a estas preguntas:rn —¿Por qué y a quién importa pensar a las ciencias de la vida desde o junto a la filosofía, la historia y la teoría social? A su vez, ¿interesa a estas disciplinas tener como referentes a las ciencias de la vida?rnNuevas contribuciones se publicarán en el próximo número de la revista.rnLos foros anteriores de Ludus se encuentran en nuestro sitio web. In the following brief texts, responses are advanced to these questions:rn— To whom and why does it matters to think the life sciences from or along with philosophy, history and social theory? On its turn, do such disciplines have an interest to consider life sciences?rnNew collaborations will be published in our next issue.rnLudus forums can be read in our website.
De la orfandad del sin sentido (Pág. 149-152)
Jaqueline Alcázar Morales, Ricardo Noguera Solano
Dificultad y necesidad de hablar sobre la “vida” (Pág. 153-156)
Jorge Alberto Álvarez Díaz
Las ciencias naturales de la vida, entreveradas con las semióticas y humanas: Juntas pero no revueltas (Pág. 151-161)
Juan Ramón Álvarez
Why biologists should read Aristotle (or why philosophy matters for the life sciences and why the life sciences matter for philosophy) (Pág. 163-167)
Armando Aranda-Anzaldo
¿Tiene la filosofía de la biología un oikos? (Pág. 169-172)
Violeta Aréchiga, Xóchitl Arteaga Villamil, Juan Felipe Guevara Aristizábal, José Agustín Mercado Reyes
Life, o el juego de la vida (Pág. 173-176)
Fernando Auciello
El comportamiento altruista y las diferencias sexuales en la cognición humana (Pág. 177-180)
Lucrecia Burges Cruz
Ciencias de la vida y filosofía (Pág. 181-184)
Marcel Cano I Soler
¿Qué quiere decir ‘naturalizar’? (Pág. 185-188)
Gustavo Caponi
¿El capitalismo es contrario a la vida? (Pág. 189-192)
El estudio de la moralidad humana como ejemplo de la necesidad de interacción entre la filosofía y las ciencias de la vida (Pág. 193-196)
Laureano Castro Nogueira, Miguel Ángel Castro Nogueira
Ludus Vitalis y el juego de descubrir la naturaleza humana integral (Pág. 197-201)
Vicente Claramonte Sanz
Pensar filosóficamente sobre la biología y las ciencias biomédicas (Pág. 203-206)
Antonio Diéguez
Vita vital (Pág. 207-210)
Oscar Fernández Galindez
Breve reflexión sobre filosofía y vacunación
Mónica Gómez Salazar
Bio/Ontologías del siglo XXI: Feminismos, intervenciones y resistencias (Pág. 215-218)
Siobhan Guerrero Mc Manus, Leah Muñoz Contreras
En la antípoda del rinoceronte (Pág. 219-222)
Alan Heiblum
La filosofía y la biología: Por una relación monstruosa (Pág. 223-226)
Two to tango: Sobre la relación entre filosofía y biología (Pág. 227-230)
Víctor J. Luque
Teoría social, ciencias naturales y filosofía (Pág. 231-235)
Reflexiones sobre la complejidad en los seres vivos: Desde su origen hasta la mente humana (Pág. 237-241)
El naturalismo en las ciencias sociales vino para quedarse (Pág. 243-246)
Filosofía y ciencias de la vida (Pág. 247-251)
La biología como ejemplo para las reflexiones en filosofía de la ciencia (Pág. 253-255)
La vida: El centro de nuestra existencia (Pág. 257-260)
A partir de ahora, ¿El todo o las partes? (Pág. 261-264)
Teresa Pacheco-Méndez
Necesidad de interdisciplina entre las ciencias de la vida y la filosofía, historia y teoría social (Pág. 265-266)
Ángel Rivera Arrizabalaga
Ciencias de la vida y humanidades: Acercamientos interdisciplinarios necesarios (Pág. 267-270)
Juan Manuel Rodríguez Caso
Ni apocalípticos ni integrados: Una mirada sobre por qué es necesario pensar las ciencias de la vida desde o junto a las ciencias sociales (Pág. 271-274)
Natacha Salomé Lima
¿Saber sobre la naturaleza o naturaleza del saber? La ciencia y filosofía como lectura de la realidad (Pág. 275-278)
Carlos A. Zavaro Pérez